UP Resolution

The problems in our world are apparent. We aspire to uplift
and be the solution, with goodwill to all, for a bright future.


#BeTheSolution is about the people we are becoming, more than the problems we are facing. Anyone who supports the above resolution is welcome to sign below and and share it.


Dr. Kate Ansuini
Founding Member, UPLFFT

Nels Ross Cremean
Co-founder, UPLFFT

Richie Derwald
Co-founder, UPLFFT

Kevin Crosby
Board Member, UPLFFT

Kofi Fynn-Aikins
Board Member, UPLFFT

Sue Spindler
Retired Teacher, Giggle Therapist

Mary Dahl
Author, Capture Life Writing

🖋️ Sign to add your voice.

Simply email us with:

Subject: Resolution
First & Last Name
Title & Organization (if any)

Thank you! ❤️

*After you sign, consider subscribing.*For more on this resolution, see FAQ.


See About for more about us.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
—Jimi Hendrix